Friday, April 8, 2011

School dress code!

I know that I have been doing most of my blogs on how hard it is for teenagers to get a job, but today I decided to do something a little different. Today I am going to blog about school’s dress codes. A lot of schools have dress codes. Sometimes it’s for a good reason, but in my opinion, most of the time it’s not. Some schools are even so strict that their students have to wear a certain outfit every day. Some schools say that it is inappropriate to wear spaghetti straps because it’s “inappropriate.” For example, at my school, you’re not allowed to have even the smallest hole in your jeans or you end up getting sent home with a Saturday school. Also, another ridiculous dress code at my school is that middle schooler's are not allowed to wear flip flops. You’re even allowed to wear flip flops in kindergarten through sixth grade. In my opinion, I think that some schools these days take what kids wear way too seriously. I understand a girl wearing short shorts or something like that, but a hole in your jeans? Really? School is really the only place a kid can express themselves. When school is over and their all graduated, they’re not really going to get the chance to dress how they want because of a job or something like that. Also students are actually expressing themselves when they dress. Not a lot of people realize it, but the way someone dresses, you can usually figure out their personality.



  1. This is true. Everyone uses clothes to expres them selves and what they like. I think its compleately crazy that some schools have certian outfits that they have to wear, everyone is the same, no one really stands out.

  2. I totally agree with you. Schools should just let their students dress how they want.

  3. I agree with you. The dress codes are really crazy to me. The whole not wearing flip flops in middle school is stupid.
