Thursday, April 21, 2011

Last post, and good bye.

I have been doing the “teen job hunting” blog for a while now, but I’m sorry to say that this is going to be my last post. In this post, I am going to blog a reflection on my piece, such as: what I learned, the challenges it was to find some of the information, the rewards I got out of these posts, the lessons I learned, etc.
I learned a lot just from some posts. I learned things I probably would have never of known or found out if it weren’t for my blogs. I learned that it is very hard for a teenager to get a job these days not only because of the economy, but because of the “lack of experience.”  I also learned a lot of really good interview tips. At first I didn’t really know what to say or what to do in an interview. I didn’t even know how to answer some of their questions.  Also, I found tips for teenagers on how to get a job and what you can do to increase your chances to get a job as a teenager. Those tips even helped me.
Another thing with this blog was challenges. I had a lot of those. Some of the challenges were finding the information to some of my questions or even trying to find a picture that would go with or match my blog.  Another challenge was offending people. I didn’t want to offend ANYONE in any of my blogs and when you have an opinion; it’s kind of hard to do that because not everyone is going to agree with your opinion.
I also learned a lot of lessons doing these posts. One of the big lessons that I learned was that if there is information that you want to know, it is much easier and smarter to look up the information you are seeking rather than just guessing on it and sticking with that. Another lesson I learned is teenagers aren’t going to be just handed a job and be sent on their way. Teenagers have to actually work to even get a chance to have a job; but if you work really hard and you’re determined to get that job, than it is possible for you.
Another thing about all of these posts is the “hard times” I had along the way. Not only was it hard to think of or come up with ideas to do for the next post, but also saying the right thing.
So since this is my last post, I want to say good bye and thank you to EVERYONE! Good bye and thank you.

Good Bye Summer

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