Thursday, March 10, 2011

My opinion on how hard it is for teens to get a job.


In this blog I’m going to tell you my opinion on how hard it is for teens to get a job. It is way easier for adults to get a job rather than a teenager. Adults don’t even have to graduate high school and it’s easier for them to get a job. People think just because they’re older that they have more experience and more knowledge than a teenager. In some cases, that opinion is true but if you actually think about it, teens are more “up to date” on the now a day’s knowledge and their minds are fresh. Teenagers are willing to work and determined to do the job, so you know that they won't mess up. Also it will give them the responsibility that they need as a teenager and later on in life. Also, I think that people should give teens more of a chance to get a job, or at least try to get a job. People shouldn’t just look at them and see that they are a teenager. They should look at them and see that they are a student, they are fresh out of school every day so they know what they’re doing, and that they are willing to work.

Work Cited:

(J. Michael Farr) (2001)


  1. It is a lot eaiser for a adult to get a job over a teen, because they have more experience. You are right teens are more up to date and they need to learn more responciblity. If american does not want to keep going down then they need to give teens a job. Teens are the future and we dont want a bunch of irrisponible and unknolegable people running America.

  2. Yeah I agree that it is easier for an adult to get a job over a teen simply because adults, most of the time have more experience t6han teens and thats what jobs want.

  3. You guys are completly right about this and it is really unfair. People should give adults and teens the same oppertunities.
