Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is it easier for a teen to be a college graduate to get a job, or no?

Statistics show that it would be easier for a graduate scholar to get a job rather than a teenager because of the econemy. It puts teens out of the “job world” because the economy is so bad that now a days, they’re only taking people with high experience and high education.

  • A graduate degree provides you the opportunity to learn more about your field of interest.
  • If you don’t know what you want to do, a graduate degree will allow you more time to decide.  Although, this could arguably be a waste of money and not worth the risk if you come out on the other side still struggling to make a career decision.
  • It’s tougher to go back to school after you’ve been working for a while.  I know a lot of people with busy careers and family with dreams of one day going back to graduate school.

Let's look at both options. If you are an average or below average scholar, you might be tempted to get yourself a job. A job means money and look at all the things you can do with money. But, is having quick cash your only goal? Where do you start looking for a job fresh out of high school? You have few qualifications, at least on paper, that will land you a job outside of McDonald's, unless you have connections or are very lucky.

student loan company

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Interview on: Teen job seekers being prepared

Q. What do you think about the job world?
A. I think that it is much harder now a days and you need more experience.

Q. How do you think the economy has affected people on getting a job?
A. I think it has affected the economy a great deal because when people already don’t have enough money to survive, they also lose their jobs.

Q. In your opinion, do you think it is easier for a teenager or an adult to get a job? Why?
A. I think it may be easier for adults to get a job because they have a lot more experience and some of them have a lot of training and schooling.

Q. Do you think that it would be easier to teach a teenager over an adult to teach how to do a job?
A. I think that it would be easier for both. I think it would be easier to teach a teen because they are younger and fresh out of school and willing to work. It would also be easy to teach an adult because they already have a lot of experience, they have a lot of schooling, and they need the money.

Q. What advice would you give a teenager before going out into the work force?
A. I would tell them that whatever you end up doing, make sure it’s something you like to do and that you want to do because if you don’t like it or you don’t want to do it, then you’ll never make it in that job.

Q. Is there something you wish you would have done to prepare yourself to work when you were a teenager?
A. Yes. I wish I paid more attention when people tried to tell me what it was like and that when I got my first job, I wish it was something that I liked and that I enjoyed doing.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My opinion on how hard it is for teens to get a job.


In this blog I’m going to tell you my opinion on how hard it is for teens to get a job. It is way easier for adults to get a job rather than a teenager. Adults don’t even have to graduate high school and it’s easier for them to get a job. People think just because they’re older that they have more experience and more knowledge than a teenager. In some cases, that opinion is true but if you actually think about it, teens are more “up to date” on the now a day’s knowledge and their minds are fresh. Teenagers are willing to work and determined to do the job, so you know that they won't mess up. Also it will give them the responsibility that they need as a teenager and later on in life. Also, I think that people should give teens more of a chance to get a job, or at least try to get a job. People shouldn’t just look at them and see that they are a teenager. They should look at them and see that they are a student, they are fresh out of school every day so they know what they’re doing, and that they are willing to work.

Work Cited:

(J. Michael Farr) (2001)

Friday, March 4, 2011

My thought on teenagers and jobs

I can honestly believe that when I say that it's harder for teens to get jobs that this is true. I'm not saying it's impossible for teens to get a job, just harder. Teenagers have to work harder more than adults would only because they are less experienced and younger. People tend to think that teens aren't capable to do some of the jobs that we have today and personally I don't think that's fair or true because they are fresh on their knowledge and all they need is a little bit of training. If teenagers had a little bit of training, they would probably have better work experience than some adults.

"Teens are the lowest in the hiring queue because they have less experience and can usually only work limited hours," he said. "They are the hardest hit in a recession. That's why we need strong job growth, so employers have to dig down and hire those 16- and 17-year-olds who have limited job experience."

I actually do agree with this quote because it's true about how teens don't have time because of school and things like that, but really, teens are capable and they are a good choice to choose to work.

Working hard or hardly working? 21/365