Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jobless Teenagers

These days, jobs are hard to find. Especially for teens, most teens want and need jobs. The percentage of teens that wanted jobs, but couldn’t get one is 25.7 percent. It should be easy for teens to get a job because they are young and their knowledge is still progressing and it’s fresh.  Also, it is better for teens to have jobs because it prepares them for the future, teaches them what a job will be like, responsibility, and it will help them decide on what they actually want to do for their career.
The economic recession has some what to do with the fact of teens not being able to get jobs, but also some of them are due to the fact that people don’t want to hire teenagers because they could hire an adult who would require less training than a teenager would. In my opinion, it’s not fair to choose an adult over a teenager just because of training or the argument that “adults have more knowledge.”  Teens also need jobs to save up, so when they do get out on their own in the real world, they have some money to get themselves started, and not just thrown into the recession we have today.

“It’s good experience and it's good to put on your college application,” “You can’t put sitting around and doing nothing on your application.”  This quote is from a girl who was supposed to have a job, and they left her jobless. She has a very good point, and those people were wrong for doing what they did.
In conclusion, my opinion is that people should give the teenage era a chance to also be able to succeed in their later on lives, and be given at least the little jobs such as a convenient store, a gas station, someone who runs the cash register at the local wal-mart. Any job available is a job a teen would take.

Jobless not hopeless, Ask for my resume - Chris Stewart


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  3. I agree with you fully on this. Teenagers do need jobs. Everyone needs a job but its just that people who are in there 30's or 40's are trying to get jobs that teens are trying to get. Such as jobs at mc donalds or wal-mart.

  4. i compleatly agree with everthing that you have said. Teens realy need a job to be able to move out buy a car and/or saveup for some college. not every kid has parents that pay for everything. for instance, me, when i graduate i moveout my parents are not gonna pay for a car for me, or give me money to get a apartment. I need a job so i can save up and move out or im gonna be homeless at 18. i dont think that managers or people who hire really think about these kind of things, they just look at what is more benificial to them,wheather that looking at what is benificial to the future!

  5. i totally agree on whate you are saying another problem i am having is that nobody wants to work around my scedual and i have barley any time to do a full time job so i cant do it.
